Minecraft Mods

Edible Glowstone - Mob X-ray Mod For Minecraft 1.14.4

Edible Glowstone 1.14.4 is a cool cheat modification that will allow you to eat the light dust, thereby making all mobs around you a glowing outline for their easier detection through blocks (Like a Wallhack features). You can configure the xray radius and duration using the configuration file.

YABBA - New Storage Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

The YABBA mod adds a huge number of barrels to the game, in which you can store only one type of items or resources, but in large quantities. There are also improvements that will increase the throughput, durability and other characteristics of the barrels. In order to quickly understand what resources are inside, you can
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Death Calendars Data Pack For Minecraft 1.14.4

We are ready to present you a very funny data pack that will allow you to create a unique calendar that counts the number of days since the last death of your character! To create it, simply place the paper in the frame. This data pack will allow you to keep your own statistics.

WanderMaid - New Villager Mod For Minecraft 1.14.4

This is a cool modification, which is designed to add for you an analogue of a wandering merchant – a nice girl who will make exchanges for pieces of gold, instead of emeralds. Try not to attack this mob, because a random attack on it will result in instant and pretty strong resistance!