YAMDA Mod For Minecraft 1.14.4, 1.12.2

YAMDA aims to add a new dimension for you that is perfect for mining resources: it’s just a flat world without caves, water and even lava, which is always a day and even no hostile mobs.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
YAMDA aims to add a new dimension for you that is perfect for mining resources: it’s just a flat world without caves, water and even lava, which is always a day and even no hostile mobs.
Here is another data pack, which will be able to add five completely new types of ammunition for the crossbow, which will be able to cause much more damage, set fire, as well as lightning and even blow up enemies! So use a crossbow will be much more pleasant.
Large-scale addon for Chickens, which will add as much as 59 new types of chicken from the materials of the following modifications: Tinkers Construct, Draconic Evolution, Botania, Mekanism, Immersive Engineering, Extreme Reactors, Thermal Foundation and even Ender IO.
Here is a very cool data pack called Gigalanterns, the idea it will be quite simple, it will be able to add to your cubic game a special lantern, which is designed to completely prevent various spawn mobs in a radius of as much as sixty-four blocks away!
Placeable Items will allow you to place a lot of vanilla objects, while providing them with higher quality and full 3D-models. To place an object in the world you just need to use the combination of Shift+right mouse button.
We are ready to present you a fairly simple tweak, which is designed to add a unique mechanics of the mobile version of minecraft. Colored Inner Wool will make the textures of trimmed sheep the same color as before the haircut.
The author of this cool data-pack, decided to optimize the work of the spheres of experience, so that they do not heavily load your computer while working experience farms. XP Lag Fix will intelligently reduce for you to all the fallen sphere, just combining them into one big.
Here is a fairly simple date pack, which is simply designed to add to you four new versions of the recipe Elytras, which can make them as accessible as possible for absolutely any player. Elytra Crafting is the perfect date pack for anyone who loves to fly!
Dungeons Update’s will be able to add to your game weapons from the game Minecraft Dungeons, as well as new hammers, swords, and even axes. Your minecraft will also contain Ore and Chlorophytic ore.
Lockdown Challenge – extremely hardcore modification, with which you can arrive in each chunk no more than half a minute for the whole game, otherwise you will find an insane death. Thus, you will have to constantly be in endless motion!