Minecraft Mods 1.12

Light Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

The modification will give you a unique opportunity to connect a light stone and glass and, thanks to this craft you will have radiant light (as much as light stone) and protected from explosions glass, which in addition can be painted with different dyes.

Regrowable Leaves - Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.10.2

This option contains realistic tweak associated with the restoration of the leaves on the trees. After installing this simple modification, the trees in your world will restore the destroyed foliage and eventually they will return to their normal appearance that you are used to. This is useful in cases when your biome often has fires
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Backpacks! - Tool Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.7.10

This modification adds three-dimensional backpacks with different colors and improvements. Now you can transfer many more resources to save time. To carry a backpack on your back, it must be in one of the 1-9 slots in the quick access inventory. If you want to open the backpack without holding it, press the L button.

Fun TNT Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

This modification will add some new dynamite blocks, which will be 2, 8, 64 and 128 times more powerful than the standard, and a particularly strong warhead will be introduced. Try not to undermine yourself and your friends during the game using such dangerous blocks.