Minecraft Mods 1.12

G.L.A.S.S - Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

GLASS is an abbreviation of the General Layman’s Aesthetic Singing Screen – a modification that will allow you to create very realistic mirages. For example, this mod is suitable for those players who want to create a cooler puzzle map in which mechanics with fake passages will be applied.

Hunger Overhaul - Tweak Mod For MC 1.12.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10

Hunger Overhaul is an almost completely redesigned hunger mechanics: the value of meals has been changed; meals will have an effect that increases health regeneration; the maximum stack size will now depend on the player’s satiety; the speed of eating will also depend on nutritional value; and much more, unnecessary settings can now be disabled
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Lockyz Extra Dimensions Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

This modification adds many new dimensions that are filled with blocks of a certain type. To get to them, you need to create a portal from the blocks below and activate it using the tool. There are a total of 70 dimensions, so this will greatly facilitate survival.

Fog World - Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

Fog World modification will allow you to personally control the fog in your game by changing its density or color! You will also have the opportunity to add a new fog characteristic – damage points. Now you can create full-fledged royale battle mini-games.

Totem Expansion - Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

The modification is mainly intended to improve the entire current totem system by adding new instances and more ambitious, cool and completely unexpected mechanics of their action. For example, now the player can spend less resources to get totems, but after rebirth you will get fewer previously available items in the inventory, etc.

Globe - Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

With this modification, you will have a unique opportunity to place a small part of the game world in a kind of snow globe, creating a unique piece of decor. This option is not very large-scale, but you will definitely like it in some difficult moments during survival.