Naturally Spawning Vex Mod For Minecraft 1.15.2, 1.14.4

Naturally Spawning Vex – this little tweak, Vex can spawn on its own in absolutely any biome! You can configure the list of biomes to generate this mob yourself using the configuration file!
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
Naturally Spawning Vex – this little tweak, Vex can spawn on its own in absolutely any biome! You can configure the list of biomes to generate this mob yourself using the configuration file!
This modification, called Mappy is designed to add a very useful interface minimap to your game, as well as placing other very useful information under it, such as time, fps, coordinates, and the current biome.
FarLands 1.16 mod will be able to return Far lands to your Minecraft. This is a specific generation of biomes at the edge of the world that existed in the game before the 1.8 beta version. The developers did not plan that players will be able to get to the edge of the world and
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With Portable Crafter modification, you can create a mobile version of the workbench, which will open using the right mouse button. For crafting, just place the workbench above the stick in the creation grid!
Thanks to the Sheep Metal mod, sheep will learn to grow metal wool. This change will add you an easier way to get iron (including for various modifications) without even going down the mines.
Useful Food modification is intended to add a new set of dishes for you, the use of which will give the player certain effects of potions or just the status of “hero of the village”. This makes your game a little more varied, because most recipes contain vanilla ingredients.
Following Villagers is a simple modification with which the villagers will become so greedy that they will follow you all the time if you hold the emerald block in your hands! You can also gather crowds of people looking at you as a famous billionaire.
This Mob Ropes modification will add 5 rope options for you that are designed for transporting mobs. This will differ by the maximum stretching of the rope and the type of mobs. Separate rope options are available for water mobs, hostile mobs, and villagers.
Sword Effects – this tweak modification will allow you to hit with a sword smeared with potions, this has a limit on the number of hits, and the number of hits will be displayed next to the sight. To do this, just take the potion in your left hand, the sword in your right hand
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Nifty is a decorative modification that can add stairs, fences, hatches, and even some semi-blocks made of precious vanilla materials and ores. This is created to add more features to regular blocks and diversify your game a bit.