Everything is a Hat – Armor Mod For Minecraft 1.15, 1.14

Here is an extremely simple modification with which you can put any block on the head of your character in the game – it will be enough just to put it in the appropriate slot of inventory.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
Here is an extremely simple modification with which you can put any block on the head of your character in the game – it will be enough just to put it in the appropriate slot of inventory.
I Need Keybinds 1.14.4 modification allows you to configure the Num 1-8 key buttons to assign it to certain categories, within which the keys will be assigned to certain pre-action.
Once RetroExchange 1.14.4 mod is installed, mobs will drop transmutation stones from which you can create a powerful tool to turn some items into others! This modification will add a huge number of different recipes for which it is best to use the JEI mod.
The Climatic World Type mod is able to add to your game a completely new type of generation of the world in which absolutely all biomes will be located relative to each other in direct dependence on their temperature and humidity.
SimpleAutoSwitch 1.14.4 is a small but very useful tweak, with which tools will automatically switch between each other depending on your planned actions/ For example, when breaking a stone block, this will turn on a pickaxe, during the destruction of a mud block the mod will switch to a shovel, and so on.
Here is another cool modification! Runorama 1.14.4 will be able to replace the main menu background with your personal panoramic pictures, which you can do right in the game by pressing H. It is most able to individualize your favorite game.
This modification will be able to return to your game “the Farlands” – a bizarre generation of terrain, which is formed exclusively on the edge or in the corner of the world. It was available in the game before the introduction of the borders of the world. In order to quickly get there, just enter
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After installing this mod all the blocks of water (and other fluids when changing the configuration file) will not be able to become a source outside of the specified measurements, water biomes or even coordinate values.
The modification that’s called a SimpleZoom 1.14.4 will be a very useful feature of the approach of the screen (almost like in Optifine). By default, the zoom is set to the C button, but you can assign any other hotkey, as well as change the magnification value in the config.
The modification that’s called a Woodmill 1.14.4 will be able to add for you a stone cutter for wood. Like a vanilla stone cutter, this block will allow you to quickly and easily create blocks of wood. Also, the modification adds some crafting for Extra Pieces.