New Blocks Minecraft Mods

New Tardis - Movie Mod For Minecraft 1.14.4, 1.12.2

The New Tardis 1.14.4-1.12.2 created specifically for fans of the “Doctor Who” series! Now you will become the owner of the legendary TARDIS and other equally interesting items from this universe. To grow a TARDIS you need to put the TARDIS Coral on the ground and just wait four game days.

Metal Chests - New Blocks Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2

Metal Chests 1.12.2 is a similar modification to IronChests, which will provide you with iron chests with the ability to improve them. There is also support for trolleys! The modification can be integrated with third-party mods such as HoloInventory, Thaumcraft, Quark, and Refined Relocation 2.

Sandy Ores - Blocks Mod For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.8.9

Sandy Ores 1.15.2-1.14.4 modification contains a new algorithm for generating ore. Now the ore will be formed not only in stone blocks, but also in sand, soil and gravel. This is useful for beginners or for those players who do not want to search for simple ores deep in the mines.