Puzzle Minecraft Maps

Communicate - Puzzle Map For Minecraft

The map is a set of 10 best, very challenging, but wonderful puzzles that will really make professional players spend a lot of time! It is worth noting that you will need at least 2 players and only well-coordinated teamwork will give a positive result.

Kolorkey - Puzzle Map For Minecraft

Kolorkey is a bright and interesting puzzle game, the essence of which will be a combination of different colors of blocks and a variety of mechanics that are hidden under the levels. If you have a highly developed logical thinking, then you will think that this is a child’s game!

The Twist Labs - Adventure, Puzzle Map Minecraft

A new, exciting adventure is waiting for you, which is closely connected with cool puzzle elements for two players. This will take your characters on an incredible journey through the memories of the distant past. The map has a huge storyline, so it can take a long time to fully immerse yourself in the gameplay.