WorldEdit with Minimap Mod For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.12.2

WorldEdit 1.20.4-1.18.2 mod is an add-on that you need to change the game world. With this add-on, you can create large custom maps or edit maps that have already been created.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
WorldEdit 1.20.4-1.18.2 mod is an add-on that you need to change the game world. With this add-on, you can create large custom maps or edit maps that have already been created.
EasierCrafting 1.20.4-1.16.5 mod shows all the items that at the moment You can create using your current inventory. In addition, with this tweak you can create any item from the list by simply pressing the left mouse button.
Entity Culling 1.20.4-1.19.3 – is created to change the rendering priority. The author managed to find out that by default, the vanilla engine gives priority to objects that are both behind the player and in front, so this modification will significantly speed up rendering for those players who are constantly looking ahead.
This modification is designed to change the behavior of wolves by adding new tweaks: now at night they will howl at the moon, and they will also be generated in packs with their leader, followed by all the other wolves! RevampedWolf 1.20.4-1.16.5 will diversify your survival a little!
Spark 1.20.4-1.19.4 is a set of features to improve the performance of launchers and servers. It also has a set of tools that can easily diagnose current problems. You will also see the number of ticks and CPU usage.
No Recipe Book is a very simple tweak that just removes the recipe book from your game. This will seriously complicate the game, or rather return everything exactly as it was in the earliest versions of minecraft.
The modification adds a cool addon from the AppleCore 1.20.4-1.19.2 tweaks, which will show how satisfied you are with a certain food that you are going to eat, and fully visualize saturation in the hunger interface. This is a very useful mod for every player!
After installing VoxelMap 1.20.4-1.20.2 modification in the upper right corner you will have a very convenient and useful minimap, where you can see the various mobs and players who are nearby, also the map will allow you to set the desired waypoints.
With the Nutritious Milk 1.20.4-1.12.2 – little drink tweak, the milk bucket will not only be able to remove the negative effects from you, but now also it will restore your hunger points and even increase a saturation.
Mooblooms 1.20.4-1.16.5 modification is designed specifically to slightly beautify the world in your minecraft by adding new colored types of vanilla cows that will have textures matching to different biomes.