WorldEdit with Minimap Mod For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.12.2

WorldEdit 1.20.4-1.18.2 mod is an add-on that you need to change the game world. With this add-on, you can create large custom maps or edit maps that have already been created.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
WorldEdit 1.20.4-1.18.2 mod is an add-on that you need to change the game world. With this add-on, you can create large custom maps or edit maps that have already been created.
Spark 1.20.4-1.19.4 is a set of features to improve the performance of launchers and servers. It also has a set of tools that can easily diagnose current problems. You will also see the number of ticks and CPU usage.
The modification adds a cool addon from the AppleCore 1.20.4-1.19.2 tweaks, which will show how satisfied you are with a certain food that you are going to eat, and fully visualize saturation in the hunger interface. This is a very useful mod for every player!
After installing VoxelMap 1.20.4-1.20.2 modification in the upper right corner you will have a very convenient and useful minimap, where you can see the various mobs and players who are nearby, also the map will allow you to set the desired waypoints.
With the World Handler 1.20.4-1.12.2 your game will have an interface that is activated on the C button, it allows you to control the time of day and weather without the knowledge of commands. You can change the difficulty to enchant items, play sounds, and more.
Chat Heads 1.20.4-1.18 is a fairly simple modification that will display images of players ‘ heads to the left of chat messages, which will greatly facilitate the navigation of chat participants, especially when there are quite a lot of them!
GUI Clock and Compass 1.20.4-1.19.4 – these are two useful modifications that will display your coordinates and the game or present time. Now that you have a compass or clock in your inventory, you will be able to navigate the game world more easily.
The Name Pain 1.20.4-1.19.4 is a very useful and informative modification that has the features to change the color of the name tag during when a player or mob takes damage. This will change the usual white color to red.
With the Inventory HUD+ 1.20.4-1.18.2 modification you will always see the inventory occupancy and what items are there! Now you will see all your items right above the vanilla Hotbar. You can get rid of a lot of mods that have only one of these features.
OptiFine HD 1.20.4-1.19.4 – this mod adds a variety of additional options for more detailed graphics settings (such as remove fog, add mipmaps, control loading chunks (CAF mod), improving FPS, brightness control, VSync and much more.) Use it to improve overall appearance and performance. This increases FPS by a total of twice.