Elemental Swords Minecraft PE Mod 1.9.0, 1.8.0

New magic swords are what many players are looking for, because standard weapons are very boring, another thing is a powerful sword with a variety of magical effects after blows.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
New magic swords are what many players are looking for, because standard weapons are very boring, another thing is a powerful sword with a variety of magical effects after blows.
Now you can visit the ancient depths of the sea by going through a deep-sea portal (in fact, it is a portal of the Nether World). To create a portal, you will need obsidian blocks and a lighter to activate the portal. In this “underwater world” You will encounter new creatures and a completely new
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The ToolBox 1.18.2-1.18.1 launcher (add-on) for Minecraft Pocket Edition and Bedrock edition is similar to the popular mod for the PC version called TooManyItems. The new version is much more functional than the previous one and has many new features.
The addon will add three new arrowheads to the game, which can be used to change the effect of archery. The main feature of the option is that it does not replace items, but adds new ones. You can get new items from skeletons, but the probability of falling out is very small (0.035%).
Recently, the developers released an update for Minecraft 1.2.6, in which they added an interesting feature – the ability to share screenshots on Realms servers. By using this add-on in ordinary worlds, it will be possible to take screenshots!
This mod is dedicated to those players who decided to get married right in Minecraft PE. Now you can have a full-fledged wife with whom you can have fun. Give orders to your wife to follow you, to get resources or to clean the house.
The “Baby Parrots” mod will add a very interesting feature, thanks to which you will be able to breed your parrots! It’s pretty easy to do, and baby parrots look very cute!
The Honeybees addon replaces some blocks and items with things like a beehive, honeycomb, and so on. And, of course, there are some limitations that you should be aware of. For example, bees will only appear in caves (because they replace bats), and hives can only be placed on jungle trees (because they replace cocoa
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The mod adds 7 vanilla vehicles that are able to swim underwater, fly through the air and transport a variety of items. All vehicles replace existing mobs as well as their spawn eggs. Therefore, it is not difficult to find them, just use new generating items or search for them all over the world.
The Pumpkin Maniac mod replaces two mobs with their pumpkin version. They have almost the same abilities, but stronger, which makes them mini-bosses!