Tweaks Minecraft Mods

The Parakeet - Creature Tweak Mod Minecraft 1.16.5, 1.16.4

The Parakeet 1.16.5-1.16.4 adds cockatiel and parakeet to different biomes. You can tame them and they will always fly behind you and also sit on the nearest block. Additionally, these birds have different features, for example, they can dance if you turn on music from disks, as well as about 5 animations and modified textures.

Craftable Utilities - Tweaks, Magic Mod Minecraft 1.16.5

Craftable Utilities 1.16.5-1.16.4 modification will add two scrolls for you! One of which will allow you to teleport to the spawn point, and the other – to the point of final death. A special element will also be added that will allow you to instantly extract obsidian (the item itself will disappear).