Configured – GUI Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.19.4

Configured 1.20.4-1.19.2 is a very useful and easy-to-use GUI mod. This restores a feature previously removed in Forge, for example, adding custom editing icons for each of the installed mods.
Mods, Maps, Texture Packs, Seeds
Configured 1.20.4-1.19.2 is a very useful and easy-to-use GUI mod. This restores a feature previously removed in Forge, for example, adding custom editing icons for each of the installed mods.
Additional Additions 1.20.4-1.19.4 modification will make various additions that are used for crafting copper, amethyst and a glowing ink bag! Among the novelties will be ropes for quick ascent and descent, as well as a key for rotating blocks and even a crossbow, which is combined with a telescope!
Auto Feeder Helmet 1.20.4-1.12.2 is specially designed for lazy players. Now it will be possible to create a module that, together with a normal helmet, can turn into a helmet that will automatically feed the owner.
Baubley Heart Canisters 1.20.4-1.12.2 adds separate cans of hearts that are contained in the popular Tinkers’ Construct modifications. This is taking up a slot in your clothing, and it also gives extra health to your character. Now you can increase your maximum health to 100 points!
With a modification called Paper Doll in the corner of your screen will begin to display a small model of your character, which will completely repeat your appearance and even all actions.
Blue Skies 1.20.4-1.12.2 is a modification that will expand the game with two new dimensions. In each of them you will find new blocks, mobs, tools, weapons and corresponding bosses. To get there, you need to find the Keeper of the Gate home and restore the portal that is in it. The house you can
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LambDynamicLights 1.20.4-1.16.5 is a very realistic tweak modification that adds a huge number of features related to projecting light from various objects in your hand or spectral arrows, or even from burning mobs on the nearest blocks. So this is a great addition for any texture pack or for example to test shader features.
The One Probe 1.20.4-1.12.2 is another modification that is useful for new Minecraft players because it will help you get more information about blocks and it will make survival a little easier.
Corail Recycler 1.20.4-1.12.2 mod will add a recycler functional block to your regular Minecraft that will be able to process most items (even damaged or enchanted) into a set of resources. This mechanism can work both in manual and automatic mode.
The Infernal Mobs 1.20.4-1.12.2 is a great new monsters addon which adds to the game a lot of enemy mobs. Some monsters can to scare you in Minecraft. In the game they are very strong and have excellent characteristics.