Tweaks Minecraft Mods

Inventory Tweaks Renewed - HUD Mod For MC 1.20, 1.19.4

With Inventory Tweaks Renewed 1.20-1.19.4 modification, you can sort blocks using a special button, as well as automatically change tools when they break down and replenish building blocks (the total number of blocks of this type will be displayed for you to the right of the quick access menu).

Controlling - GUI Tweak Mod For Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3

Controlling 1.19.4-1.18.2 is a very useful modification that contains features to slightly simplify the process of binds for keys. For example, it adds the ability to search for key bindings by their name in the key bindings menu, and it also allows players to easily find key bindings in the menu.